Text Actions App

Meet Text Actions - the groundbreaking app that turns your text into action, making your life simpler, faster, and more efficient.

Here's a Problematic situation: You need to write something really quick on the fly so you spend a few seconds going back to your home screen looking for any app that will let you type; when you're done typing you realize you actually need to email it, so you spend a few more seconds copying the content and then open your email app; when you're FINALLY done, you realize you lost the copied content because you copied something else in the process, so you just give up and quit for the day!

Text Actions solves this by letting you quickly type from any screen and then manipulate the Text and Numbers to use with a variety of actions; Call, Message, Email, Edit, Search, Calculate, Notifications, Share, Get location, Open apps, Speak text, and so much more all from one screen! 

Privacy Policy & Data Safety Form

Thank you for using our mobile app. We prioritize your privacy and are committed to ensuring the safety and security of your data. This Data Safety Form aims to provide transparency regarding our data collection and usage practices. Please review this form carefully to understand how we protect your information.

Data Collection
a. Personal Information: We want to assure you that our app does not collect any personal information from you, such as your name, email address, or phone number. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we do not require or store any identifiable user data.

b. Location Information: While our app does not collect any location data, we may provide you with the option to access your device's current location. This is solely for the purpose of offering location-based features within the app and is not stored or collected by us.

c. Contacts: Our app does not collect or store any contact information or phone numbers from your device. However, with your permission, we may access your contacts to allow you to save contacts within the app or retrieve contact information for use within the app. Rest assured, this data is not stored or utilized by us outside of the app's immediate functionality.

Data Usage
a. Purpose: As we do not collect any data, we do not use any collected data for any purposes. Our app operates without the need for personal information or any other data collection.

b. Google AdMob: We utilize Google AdMob, an advertising service provided by Google LLC, to display ads within our app. It is important to note that Google AdMob may collect non-personal data, such as device information and app usage statistics, to deliver targeted advertisements. However, this data is not linked to individual users, and it does not track or identify specific users.

c. Google AdMob Privacy Policy: We recommend reviewing Google AdMob's privacy policy to understand their data collection and usage practices. You can find more information in their privacy policy, which is available at https://support.google.com/admob/answer/6128543?hl=en

Data Security
a. Security Measures: Although we do not collect data, we have implemented appropriate security measures to protect any temporary or cache data used within the app. We prioritize data security and strive to safeguard your privacy.

b. User Responsibilities: While using our app, we encourage you to practice good security habits. This includes keeping your device and app updated, using strong passwords, and avoiding sharing sensitive information.

Data Retention
Since we do not collect any data, we do not have a data retention policy. You can be confident that we do not retain any personal information, usage data, location data, or contact data, as none of these are collected or stored.

Your Rights
As our app does not collect any data, there are no specific rights related to personal information or data that need to be exercised. Your privacy remains protected, as we operate without data collection.

Changes to this Data Safety Form
In the event that there are any changes to this Data Safety Form, we will notify you accordingly. However, as we do not collect data, it is unlikely that any changes will impact your privacy or the terms outlined in this form.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your privacy or data security, please contact us using the information provided below.

By using our mobile app, you acknowledge that we do not collect any data, and you agree to the terms outlined in this Data Safety Form.

Date: July 17th, 2023

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